Heart's Haven: Space for love and grief

Take your time to grieve what needs to be grieved. The part that was not loved now fears to love. Your love lies in being true to yourself, trusting that this is your path. The time is right to love whatever or whoever was not loved before. Others' or past perceptions of you are beyond reach; they cannot be changed or shaped by someone else's or present perception. Creation does not define a unified reality; it remains an illusion.

On this path, we are gifted with the greatest center of balance and harmony—the heart. This powerful visceral center is essential for us in moments of grief, either for parts of ourselves or for dear loved ones. It helps us understand and trust our inner spiritual gifts, to lean into the confusion and complex idea that all that is happening is developing at its timeline.

Perhaps, if you have just experienced loss, it seems unbearable to sit with the idea of a ‘utopian perfect timeline’. This complex concept is far beyond our comprehension, even when not grieving, and perhaps only at times do we get a glimpse—a blink of an eye in the bed of death—of what this was all about.

Our only guarantee is that life was not engineered to be a complex puzzle to try to solve exhaustively. Such efforts can lead us into states of depression or anxiety.


Let the heart open and release the pain—cry.

Give room for the joy—laugh.

Give space for your goodness to shine—accept.

Celebrate the mundane humanity of your being.

The heart is the earthly path to enlightenment, the motherboard of the human body and etheric soul.

This is your unique creative way of understanding life as a whole. Embrace it fully, for it is in this acceptance that true growth and peace reside.

With love and warm hugs of care, I hold you in your time of need.




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