Awakening the Psychic abilities

The spirit is creativity, the source of answers, the essence that propels society forward and heals it. As an individual, you must understand that you can connect with your soul and spirit at any moment. This connection is how society grows and heals. However, it is worth paying attention that for the majority of the time society has reached a point where it has been forgotten.

In many cases, the connection to spirit has been taught as blended and evolved exclusively into religions. As the spirit is something external to ourselves, a dogma to be idolized. Such beliefs have pushed away practices like clairvoyance, psychic abilities, or mysticism in general. We know that previous civilizations, such as the Greeks (for example: with the oracle of Delphi), the Egyptians (with the Book of the Dead), the Indians, and others, each had a place for mystics.

They understood this concept and recognized the importance of its existence in society. Even though mysticism could be mysterious, sometimes obscure, and keep you on the edge, it was an integral part of previous civilizations. On the other side of religion, as society keeps evolving with systems such as capitalism, materialism, and science, those who focus solely on materialism and science may become disoriented due to the inability to grasp the intangible.

Many of us are deciding today to walk into a path of reclaiming spirituality back not mutually and exclusively to religion but to every single individual human.

In this recognition, the most effective means will always be your consciousness. You can worship in any way you choose, through any object that seems to make sense in the material world but true connection comes from within—through meditation and practices that connect you. The challenge we face now is to forge our own paths rather than follow trends.

Turning inside, into the path of the heart, leaves outside any hierarchy figure to dictate how the experience should be. Because of this, many individuals reach a point where they question themselves:

« How to discern my 3D mind's thoughts from messages from spirit, guides, higher selves…? »

We train our consciousness to tune in to higher frequencies and then bring that energy down into our lower minds, into our 3D mind. This process is like percolation. When we understand that there is filtering going on, we can understand that as the energy comes down to the lower planes, there is a process in which we become aware that we are using the filters of our daily mind, of our archetypical understanding.

At this stage, it is interesting to dive into the study of archetypes, not the collective labels to different characters but your own personal ones, the meaning of different things and situations in life like for example a flower, the experience of walking barefoot in the forest, love, friendship… Spirit does not use a collective system of archetypes it uses your personal system of archetypes to communicate with you.

This is a spirit force activating your lower consciousness, your 3d consciousness, that is why it can sound at times like your own thoughts like your own voice, because you are not just receiving pure spiritual knowledge. That spiritual knowledge is imprinted upon your 3d mind, 3d sensibility as its vehicle.

This is where many people stop developing their own psychic abilities. A lot of people are expecting that using psychic abilities is like something that knocks others and yourself completely off, that is life-changing, completely solid and absolutely removes any questions about the mysteries of the spirit. That is very rarely, or never the case.

Developing psychic abilities requires taking risks and being open to receiving information in unconventional ways. It's crucial to document these insights, give them acknowledgement, and breathe life into them by expressing them verbally or in writing. Do not let your intuitive insights fade away before they have a chance to manifest in this realm. It is through consistent practice that you can cultivate and develop these abilities.

But amidst the uncertainties and complexities of the spiritual path, one thing is clear: the development of psychic abilities is not a destination, but a journey of continual growth and discovery. It requires courage, openness, and a willingness to embrace the unknown.

My wish for all those embarking on the path of exploring their psychic gifts is a journey filled with open hearts and open minds. May this journey lead you to rediscover and reshape the very definition of love, in ways that not only fill your own soul but also enrich humanity as a whole. With each step taken, may you become closer to unlocking the depths of unconditional love and oneness.

Blessings and profound discoveries on your spiritual journey,

Much love,



Mastering Discernment in the Spiritual Realm


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