Mastering Discernment in the Spiritual Realm

Reflecting on my past experiences, I realize how I have seen and believed many things that were not accurate and even with that invited negative energies into my life. I distinctly recall feeling internally compelled to accept without question the truths presented by spiritual mentors, intuitive downloads or other presences, believing them to be blessings that should be immediately absorbed into my spiritual belief system. However, the text that I write about today addresses what I feel I have learned to be a misconception, yet a journey that itself represents a life lesson on discernment and self-trust.

Undoubtedly, opening yourself spiritually will lead you onto a path of exploration and self-discovery. Like a child learning to walk, you venture out to discover the world, encountering a myriad of colours, shapes, and presences that offer intriguing experiences. At times, you may find yourself wondering about its validity and integrity while remaining open and curious about the unknown. You may ask yourself: How do I know if this benefits my spiritual growth and expansion? How do I know it will not cause harm? How do I know no darkness can hurt me?

We learn our first lesson about navigating the spiritual realm—the significance of self-trust as the foundation of our interactions.

Surely, there can be fear because we can only interact with the spiritual world based on our inner world. Even though we are angelic forms, we are experiencing a human life, and fear is part of the spectrum of human experience. We discover that a path of connection with the spiritual realm involves reminding ourselves to attune to states of self-trust. Ultimately, what keeps us going beyond self-trust is a kind of courage in which you know that no matter what confronts you, you have Christ and love in your heart. This courage allows us to navigate the complexities of spiritual guidance and teachings.

If you are following some kind of teacher or teaching that is subversive, you will eventually perceive and realize that. Part of spiritual development involves making mistakes, such as choosing a teaching or a teacher that doesn’t align with us. There is no shame in this, as it ultimately enhances our ability to discern truth from falsehood, to discern what resonates with us and what doesn’t. If we approach our experiences with humility and honesty, we learn to trust ourselves. In this process, the only thing that can hinder our progress is the Ego-driven idea that we cannot be wrong.

Spiritual development unquestionably is a journey of also making mistakes and understanding that we can recover from them. The spiritual truth resides within you; it is not something you acquire from others. Anything you get from another teacher that resonates does so because it first existed within you to create the resonance. This is also how one creates discernment.

Every time you get a vision or a lesson from some teacher or mentor, there is nothing saying that you have to take it in, as an absolute truth, making your own reality. You have the power to read and observe whatever teaching you want. You can read many books, watch many videos, sit with many teachers, or even meditate for many hours and decide for yourself.  

You can metaphorically put on the hat and take it off, as there is nothing in your psyche dictating that you must embrace every spiritual truth you encounter or every intuition you receive. It's perfectly fine to disagree or not resonate with someone else's beliefs or truths. Ultimately, if something doesn't resonate with you right now, it could be due to timing, readiness, or simply lack of alignment. However, the reason doesn't seem to be the crucial aspect of this topic.

Whenever you receive an intuition from a force you don’t recognize, you can be open and say, "That’s interesting," but you don’t have to accept anything that doesn’t resonate with you. There should always be space within your life and spiritual practice to receive information and say, "I am going to let this information work upon me"—whether it’s from a teacher, an angel, or another source—and see how it goes. Approach it with the mindset, "I am going to let this information become more known to me, work on me, but I am not going to take it as my own." Over time, if a concept is not real to you if it is rooted in false ideals, it will become obvious.

It is okay to give yourself space between the information you take in and the information you are receiving. The strength of this power often happens through meditation and connection to the natural essence of Mother Earth, where you find the pure loving heart energy of Christ.

Information has an energy to it, a life through it; it is alive. You can take it in for a moment without holding onto it, and with time it will reveal itself. It will either be life-giving or life-taking, and you will begin to see this. If, for some reason, a piece of information comes and you get taken by it without knowing or feeling the revelation of whether it is for you or not, it may be because you have a blind spot. Nevertheless, through that, you will learn, overcome it, and gain the strength to discern more widely and precisely. No matter where you go, you always have God/Universe/Divine Consciousness within you to overcome anything without force.

In the end, the journey of spiritual growth and development is deeply personal and ever-evolving. It is a path marked by exploration, mistakes, and profound realizations. By trusting in the divine presence within you and remaining open to learning from each experience, you can navigate the complexities of spiritual guidance with grace and resilience. Embrace each lesson, whether it brings clarity or challenge, as an opportunity to deepen your understanding and connection to your true self. Remember, the essence of spiritual wisdom lies not in external validations but in the quiet, unwavering truth that resides in your heart.

I feel compelled to share with you, one sentence, that once one of my teachers shared with me:

“Don´t fear enter the unfoldment, as there is, ultimately, nothing to be afraid of. The world of the spirit will join you… you will find many wonderful and beautiful experiences that will enrich your life and the great work that lies ahead.”

~ Glyn Edwards – From the potential of mediumship

As you continue on this journey, may you find strength, peace, and the unwavering assurance that you are always guided by the light within.


Preparing for a Mediumship Session 


Awakening the Psychic abilities