Mediumship Reading
This is an opportunity to reconnect with your loved ones in spirit. The spirit world uniquely orchestrates each reading to bring you the information you need to hear.
Every session is unique, but one thing I can assure you is that the spirit world communicates with love and compassion.
95 USD for 45 minutes
Going deeper:
Into a 3-Month Journey of Healing & Self-Discovery
This guided program is designed to provide a safe and supportive space for deep healing and self-discovery. Safety is the cornerstone of the process, ensuring that healing unfolds without re-traumatization. Trauma is not simply what happened to us, but how our bodies process and store those experiences over time. This journey offers the opportunity to rewire and re-integrate these fragmented pieces of your story.
Together, as client and practitioner, we follow the unique compass of your healing. You are the central figure in this process.
This journey is about empowering you to decide what you are ready to explore, heal, and transform. My role is to guide and support you in aligning with your vision for growth and wholeness.
Healing the body
Access of a systematic pattern
Healing body and spirit
Healing in the bloodline
3-Month Program
1 session p/week